What is TestComplete and how to use it for automated UI testing?
What is TestComplete and how to use it for automated UI testing?
What is TestComplete and how to use it for automated UI testing?
What is SoapUI and how to use it for API Testing?
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Configuring the MobaXterm local bash terminal
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CodeTryout.com explains the steps to connect to WSL Windows using MobaXterm session window.
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While vscode does not have a built-in feature to save the terminal outputs to a file, let us explore ways how to save vs code terminal output to a file.
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One of the most common errors that Linux users face is the tree command not found error. This article will explain how to troubleshoot this error and fix it.
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Explaining the docker mongo run command with a basic run with sudo prefix and verifying whether the container is running
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Virtualbox copy paste not working? Explaining how to enable text copy-paste, clipboard between VirtualBox Ubuntu VM and Windows hosts. This experiment is tried and tested in Ubuntu 22.04, VirtualBox 6.x, on Windows 11 host.
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How to create a Virtual Environment Python Ubuntu 22.04
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How to install docker on VirtualBox Ubuntu 23.04 or 22.04 VM, with the minimum required steps, you can do it within 10 minutes.
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Ubuntu operating system provides a feature that allows the user to run docker without entering sudo every time. This makes it easy for the user to use docker for development and testing purposes.
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A practical guide on how to use bashrc aliases
How to discard all local changes in git repo and pull from a remote branch, explaining the usage of git reset and git pull.
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Troubleshooting error Cannot Connect to the Docker Daemon
Docker Copy File from Container to Host Tutorial
Step by step guide for Docker Connect to Container
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Step by step guide to use rsync to copy files
Solution for the common problem – vscode search files by name not working. Step by step guide on how to find files in vscode
Explaining how to revert a git commit, with examples.
Exploring steps to add files to git repository and commit them with messages. Finally view the commit logs
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This tutorial will walk through the steps to install a VirtualBox Ubuntu Linux VM unattended.
This convenient vscode shortcut key will up or down the current line.
Your cursor should be on the line you want to move up or down; there is no need to select it.
How to configure VScode terminal settings behavior to COPY on select and Right-Click to PASTE
Complete guide on how to access Ubuntu WSL files and directories from Windows
Complete guide on how to access windows files or folders from Ubuntu terminal WSL, or from WSL2 command line bash shell.
Complete guide on How to activate File Explorer Tabs on Windows 11 Version 22H2, you can open multiple windows explorer in same window.
How to run a prometheus docker container and access it from a localhost port.
Explaining how to cleanup unused docker images and containers with docker system prune command, with a demonstration
Explaining the docker ubuntu run bash shell commands with a basic run with sudo prefix and verifying whether the container is running
Exploring two alternatives for MobaXterm (Moba xterm) and Putty, comparing most frequently used features and practical usage.
Network configuration guide on how to set windows 11 dns to xfinity, step by step.
Explaining how to fix the error apt update release file is not valid yet ubuntu virtual machine, VirtualBox or any other VM.
How to configure NAT networking for a VM running on VirtualBox. This guide covers all required steps to configure Linux or Windows VMs.
VirtualBox VM settings to make a two-way network connection VM to all LAN IPs and LAN devices to the VM using bridged adapter
How to start or stop VirtualBox virtual machines from command line, optionally running as a background process
How to list VirtualBox VMs from the command line – Ubuntu Linux and Windows commands explained with examples
How to install Oracle VirtualBox on ubuntu, this way you can run VMs inside your Ubuntu laptop or desktops.
A step by step guide on how to set Cloudflare DNS on your windows 11 laptop or PC.
A step by step guide on how to set Google DNS on your windows 11 laptop or PC.
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How to get ubuntu version from command line terminal, for the short version string and the long release information.
Guide on how to install Kali Linux in VirtualBox Windows 11 – 64 bit computer.
How to install ruby on Ubuntu, complete step by step guide on how to install and run ruby on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
Guide to set up a job that is to run every hour using Rundeck, the Cron tab should be used and the parameters should be configured:
How to fix VBoxManage is not recognized error showing up in PowerShell prompt.
Bash check a file existance using test command
Two solutions with examples for the error, Docker Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket
Step by step instruction for installing OpenSSH (SSH server) in Ubuntu and or in Ubuntu Virtual Machine
How to split windows terminal screens vertically, horizontally and then resizing and closing them, all using keyboard shortcuts.
Explaining how to install AWS toolkit in vscode IDE.
Bidirectional drag and drop is not working with VirtualBox and Ubuntu 22.04. Solution given on how to enable it.
Troubleshoot docker error Dial TCP lookup registry-1.docker.io temporary failure in name resolution Error
How to connect to virtualbox web server from the host system using VBox port forwarding
Virtualbox Ubuntu 22.04 installation steps, covering all system requirements suiting for your Ubuntu 22.04 desktop, and Docker.
Fixing the powershell error Cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system windows 10 PowerShell. Solving by analyzing PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicy.
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How to print environment variables in Windows PowerShell also print line by line