How to echo user to sudoers from the command line

You’re trying to add a new user to the sudoers file on a docker or Linux / Ubuntu system. To do this, you typically need root or superuser privileges. The sudoers file controls who can run commands with superuser privileges using the sudo command.

Here is a quick way to add this:

echo "YourUserName ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

Step by Step guide

Here are the general steps to add a new user to the sudoers file:

  1. Log in as a user with root or superuser privileges or have sudo access.
  2. Open a terminal window.
  3. Edit the sudoers file using a text editor. The most common editor is visudo, which checks for syntax errors before saving changes:
   sudo visudo

This will open the sudoers file in the default text editor (usually nano or vim).

  1. Scroll down to the section that looks like this:
   # User privilege specification
   root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  1. To add a new user, you can follow this format:
   YourUserName  ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Replace the username with the username of the user you want to grant sudo access to. The ALL=(ALL:ALL) part means they can run commands as any user and any group on any host. The final ALL allows them to run any command.

  1. Save and exit the text editor. If you’re using visudo, it will check for syntax errors before saving.
  2. The user should now have sudo privileges. They can test it by running a command with sudo:
   sudo some_command

Remember that sudo access should be done carefully and only grant it to trusted users who need those privileges. Incorrectly editing the sudoers file can lead to system instability or security vulnerabilities. Always ensure you have a backup or a way to access the system if something goes wrong.