10 Git Basics steps – a tutorial for beginners

Git is a powerful version control system that has become an essential tool for developers. It allows them to collaborate on code, track changes, and revert to previous versions if necessary. Git’s popularity is due to its speed, flexibility, and powerful features. It has a simple user interface and can be easily integrated with other tools and services. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Git is a must-have tool in your arsenal. This tutorial will go through 10 basic steps you should learn if you are getting started as a Developer or a DevOps engineer.

Creating a new repository on Git

You can create a new repository on Git by clicking on the “New repository” button on the Git website, entering a name and description for your repository, and selecting whether you want it to be public or private. Once you’ve created a new repository, you can add files and folders to it, create branches, and start collaborating with others.

Cloning an existing repository to your local machine

To clone an existing repository to your local machine, you’ll need to copy the repository’s URL from the Git website, navigate to the directory on your local machine where you want to store the repository, and run the git clone command followed by the repository’s URL. This will create a local copy of the repository on your machine that you can work with.

Committing changes to a Git repository

Once you’ve made changes to a file in your local repository, you can commit those changes to the Git repository using the git commit command. This will create a new commit with a unique ID that represents the changes you’ve made.

Branching and merging in Git

Git allows you to create branches in your repository, which are separate lines of development that you can work on independently. You can then merge those branches back into the main branch of your repository when you’re ready to incorporate your changes. This can be useful for working on new features, fixing bugs, or experimenting with different approaches to your code.

Forking a repository on Git

If you find a repository on Git that you want to contribute to, but don’t have permission to make changes directly, you can fork the repository to create your own copy that you can modify. Once you’ve made your changes, you can submit a pull request to the original repository owner to have your changes merged into the main branch.

Using Git to collaborate with others on a project

Git is designed for collaboration, and there are many tools and workflows you can use to work with others on a project. For example, you can use Git to track changes made by different team members, review each other’s code, and manage conflicts that may arise.

Reviewing and managing Git pull requests

If you’re a repository owner or collaborator, you can use Git to review and manage pull requests submitted by other contributors. This can involve reviewing the code changes, testing the changes in a separate environment, and merging the changes into the main branch of the repository.

Utilizing Git submodules in a project

Git submodules allow you to include one Git repository inside another as a subdirectory. This can be useful for managing dependencies between different parts of a project, or for including external libraries or modules.

Using Git hooks to automate tasks and workflows

Git hooks are scripts that you can run automatically before or after certain Git actions, such as committing changes or pushing code to a remote repository. This can be useful for automating repetitive tasks or enforcing coding standards.

Configuring Git settings and aliases for more efficient usage

Git includes many configuration settings that you can customize to suit your workflow. For example, you can configure your Git username and email address, set default branch names, or create aliases for commonly used Git commands.