[SOLVED] crontab /usr/bin/vim exited with status 127 when editing crontab
Explaining how to fix the vim error exited with status 127 while editing crontab -e
Explaining how to fix the vim error exited with status 127 while editing crontab -e
How to check if a symbolic link exists in Linux(or in any Linux distros)
Quick way to change lowercase to uppercase in bash, we are exploring a way using bash built in features, variable case conversion.
A practical script to check whether a file exists on a remote server using bash. The script connects using ssh and verify whether the file exists.
Fixing MobaXterm home directory issue
bash scripting if then else statements. Explained with five sample codes and runtime demos.
How to use wget and Invoke-WebRequest in powershell, examples to fetch some JSON data from a remote URL, it can be HTTP or HTTPS.
I made this bash script to test if the environment variable is set and not empty. I hope this is helpful to you as well.
Exploring how to copy files from Windows to Linux using the SCP command, inside powershell.
Explaining how to print a specific future date corresponding to the current date in bash, or any bash shell such as linux ubuntu or docker.
How to switch between tabs in the MobaXterm terminal tool using keyboard shortcut keys.
Keyboard shortcut to comment multiple lines in vscode. You will save a lot of time in commenting or uncommenting multiple lines using this shortcut key, instead of adding comments for each line, one by one.
How to install VirtualBox guest additions in Ubuntu 20.04, steps with images for command-line installation of vbox guest addition.
Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts collection. This list is a comprehensive list of shortcuts which can improve your coding productivity.
Explaining how to disable the right side page preview or minimap in vscode.
Keyboard shortcut to delete an entire line in vscode editor.
Keyboard shortcut to duplicate a line in vscode editor.
Exploring several possible ways to set gitbash directories, setting default directory when you open gitbash and by creating aliases.
Create an ubuntu user with home directory from commandline.
How to create a bash alias with arguments, using aliases and functions
How to get the return code of a command in bash. Also listing all reserved exit codes
Explaining how to change system date command line Ubuntu
How to use multiple cursors simultaniously in vscode, using keyboard shortcuts
Splitting string in Powershell defining a delimiter
Step by step guide to configure a keyboard-shortcut to toggle (show/hide) Activity bar.
Explaining how to setup Docker in an Ubuntu server or desktop.
Git-bash git init examples, explaining all required steps with practical scenarios and related commands in git bash.
A simple powershell script to print hello world. also print in color
Explaining how to get the date for day-before-yesterday in Linux Bash script
How to write output and error messages to two different files in shell scripts.
Explaining with examples for a linux user password change when the user login for the first time. This is enforced.
Explaining the required steps on how to set user password to never expire in linux. Exploring other practical options with examples.
Exploring steps to delete a directory or folder with a tilde in its file name, explaining practical errors and the final solution.
How to restart the computer from Powershell.
Explaining how to rename a computer using powershell prompting for the new name.
Windows terminal and WSL copy paste keyboard shortcuts explained.
WFH WiFi network optimization tips and tricks
Troubleshooting Ubuntu RDP connection error- Ubuntu XRDP authentication is required to create a color-managed device
Explaining how to configure your Windows 10 DNS to Google DNS
Explaining with examples how to get the current date timestamp or epoch time from a Linux command line, script or bash terminal
A perfect alternative for Windows RDP or MSTSC connection, MobaXterm
Explaining how to configure your Windows 10 DNS to Cloudflare DNS
Explaining how to install git (gitbash) inside your MobaXterm client
How to un-comment a line in a text file using sed by matching a specific word or character (Linux command-line)
Explaining in windows 10, how to take screenshot using keyboard shortcut
Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts
Configuring Onedrive to download only when needed
Explaining how to print full date in bash using shortcode
Explaining how to install and confire the LAMP stack, Linux Apache MySQL and PHP on Ubuntu
SSH, how to configure password less login. Step-by-step instructions from WSL client to remote server.
grep-ing pattern at the ending of a text file
grep-ing pattern at the beginning of a text file
Quicly replaces multiple spaces from a string variable in bash. This works well in Linux, Bash, Docker containers, centos, rhel etc.
Explaining, how to install git (gitbash) on windows 11, which can work along with vscode.
A how to guide for determining Windows Powershell version from Powershell.
This is an example script for shell script bash, until loop
Example script for shell script bash, while loop
Bash variable set a default value
Examples for deleting multiple characters using tr command in bash.