How to print the day before yesterday in bash?
Printing the day before yesterday date in the UNIX/Linux/Bash shell script is easy, here is the code:
date +%Y%m%d -d "2 days ago"
Here is a Demo, getting the date using a simple shell script.
[admin@codetryout ~]$ date
Thu Nov 7 02:30:08 EST 2019
[admin@codetryout ~]$ cat date.sh
# printing day before yesterday date in unix shell script
DAY_BEFORE_YESTERDAY=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "2 days ago")
[admin@codetryout ~]$ ./date.sh
Putting it in a shell script
The shell script for your reference:
# printing day before yesterday date in unix shell script
DAY_BEFORE_YESTERDAY=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "2 days ago")