How to configure OneDrive download only when needed

This is useful when you have a large size of OneDrive files and or to save internet usage, set OneDrive to download files as and when you access it

  • Right-click on the OneDrive icon from the taskbar to open the OneDrive main menu.
  • Click on settings. If you don’t see a settings link, you can find it from the more link from the bottom right of OneDrive main Menu.
  • Once your settings window opened, go to the Settings tab (first tab)
  • There you can find a checkbox under Files on-Demand
  • Check that checkbox to enable, Save space and download files as you use them.
  • Once this is enabled, files will be downloaded to your computer only when you access it.
  • Files available offline will show you the status with a green circle with a tick mark icon. Online-only files will show a cloud icon