[SOLVED]Failed to set time zone invalid or not installed time zone ‘IST’
failed to set time zone invalid or not installed time zone ‘asia/kolkata’
failed to set time zone invalid or not installed time zone ‘asia/kolkata’
Bash date print Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Seconds
How to print date yyyymmddhhmmss with milliseconds using Python builtin module datetime?
How to validate a JSON file using Python
Bash date print X days ago (Linux shell script or in command-line)
Ho to get bash print date in ISO 8601 date format – yyyy-MM-dd T HH:mm:ss Z including UTC offset.
powershell get-date format yyyymmddhhmmss milliseconds
Explaining how to print a specific future date corresponding to the current date in bash, or any bash shell such as linux ubuntu or docker.
Explaining how to get the date for day-before-yesterday in Linux Bash script
Explaining with examples how to get the current date timestamp or epoch time from a Linux command line, script or bash terminal