Enabling sudo NOPASSWD for a user in Just one command!
docker linux sudoers nopasswd
docker linux sudoers nopasswd
Bash date print Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Seconds
how to get into devops?
Bash date print X days ago (Linux shell script or in command-line)
One of the most common errors that Linux users face is the tree command not found error. This article will explain how to troubleshoot this error and fix it.
ffmpeg usage examples
Alternatives to Linux tree command, exploring two alternative methods with examples.
Ho to get bash print date in ISO 8601 date format – yyyy-MM-dd T HH:mm:ss Z including UTC offset.
rsync dryrun explained with examples
backup and sync, rsync incremental with examples
40+ BASH commands for everyday use
A practical guide on how to use bashrc aliases
How do SCP files or directories local to remote OR from remote to local?
Step by step guide to use rsync to copy files
Bash check a file existance using test command
How to check if a symbolic link exists in Linux(or in any Linux distros)
Quick way to change lowercase to uppercase in bash, we are exploring a way using bash built in features, variable case conversion.
A practical script to check whether a file exists on a remote server using bash. The script connects using ssh and verify whether the file exists.
bash scripting if then else statements. Explained with five sample codes and runtime demos.
I made this bash script to test if the environment variable is set and not empty. I hope this is helpful to you as well.
Explaining how to print a specific future date corresponding to the current date in bash, or any bash shell such as linux ubuntu or docker.
How to create a bash alias with arguments, using aliases and functions
How to get the return code of a command in bash. Also listing all reserved exit codes
Explaining how to change system date command line Ubuntu
Explaining how to get the date for day-before-yesterday in Linux Bash script
How to write output and error messages to two different files in shell scripts.
Exploring steps to delete a directory or folder with a tilde in its file name, explaining practical errors and the final solution.
Explaining with examples how to get the current date timestamp or epoch time from a Linux command line, script or bash terminal
How to un-comment a line in a text file using sed by matching a specific word or character (Linux command-line)
Configuring the MobaXterm local bash terminal
Explaining how to print full date in bash using shortcode
grep-ing pattern at the ending of a text file
grep-ing pattern at the beginning of a text file
Quicly replaces multiple spaces from a string variable in bash. This works well in Linux, Bash, Docker containers, centos, rhel etc.
This is an example script for shell script bash, until loop
Example script for shell script bash, while loop
Bash variable set a default value
Examples for deleting multiple characters using tr command in bash.