MobaXterm how to split or unsplit screens explains the steps to connect to WSL Windows using MobaXterm session window.
Saving the screen output or screen logs to a file in MobaXterm
Mobaxterm enable right click paste, so that you can easily copy and paste commands to the command-line window.
Exploring two alternatives for MobaXterm (Moba xterm) and Putty, comparing most frequently used features and practical usage.
Explaining how to open a PowerShell session window from within MobaXterm?
How to split windows terminal screens vertically, horizontally and then resizing and closing them, all using keyboard shortcuts.
Fixing MobaXterm home directory issue
How to switch between tabs in the MobaXterm terminal tool using keyboard shortcut keys.
Explaining steps to use windows command prompt from MobaXterm and utilize all capabilities of MobaXterm such as tabs.
Mobaxterm Rsync practical examples using a local bash terminal
A perfect alternative for Windows RDP or MSTSC connection, MobaXterm
Configuring the MobaXterm local bash terminal
Explaining how to open multiple instances of MobaXterm