I will list a few practical Python YAML examples in this vlog post. This should cover basic to advanced examples and troubleshooting steps and FAQs.
- Python YAML – Required Module – PYYAML
- VENV setup (Optional)
- Python YAML – Reading One Key Value
- Python YAML – Multiple key-value pair (Iteration)
- Python YAML – Reading Nested Dictionary key-value
- Python YAML – Retrieving specific group key value
- Python YAML – PyYAML Efficiency
Python YAML – Requirement – pyyaml module.
This guide is depending on Pythn module, pyyaml. You can install it by running:
pip install pyyaml
You can find a more detailed example here, on How to install YAML module
Python YAML – Optional VENV setup
We recommend using a virtual environment for your project. If you would like to know the steps for creating venv, please refer to these guides:
Python YAML – Reading One Key Value
Let’s consider you have a YAML file named codetryout_data.yaml with the following content:
name: CodeTryout
Now, lets retrieve the value of the key, name with our code.
Creating a file called, demo.py and running
import yaml
yaml_file = "codetryout_data.yaml"
with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
name_value = data.get('name')
Test run:
python demo.py
Python YAML – Multiple key-value pair
Here’s a simple example of how to read a key and its corresponding value from a YAML file:
key1: CodeTryout
key2: DevOps
key3: Python
key4: YAML
Creating a file called, demo.py and running
import yaml
yaml_file = "codetryout.yaml"
with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
for key, value in data.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
Demo output:
python demo.py
key1: CodeTryout
key2: DevOps
key3: Python
key4: YAML
Python YAML – Printing Nested Dictionary / groups
Example YAML File
key1: value1
key2: value2
key1: o_value1
key2: o_value2
key1: r_value1
key2: r_value2
Example code
import yaml
def print_all_keys_and_values(yaml_file):
with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
for group, group_data in data['group'].items():
print(f"Group: {group}")
for key, value in group_data.items():
print(f" {key}: {value}")
This code reads the YAML file, correctly accesses the nested dictionary under the “group” key, and prints the keys and values as expected.
Code Walkthrough:
Use the yaml.safe_load function from the pyyaml library to load the YAML file’s contents into a Python dictionary.
To read a specific key-value pair, use the .get() method on the dictionary to access the value associated with the desired key. To print all keys and values, iterate through the dictionary‘s items using a loop and print them in the desired format.
Example output
Group: blue
key1: value1
key2: value2
Group: orange
key1: o_value1
key2: o_value2
Group: red
key1: r_value1
key2: r_value2
Python YAML – Getting specific Group / Key / Value
Next, let us see how to get specific group / key / value from the above YAML file
import yaml
def get_value(yaml_file, group, key):
with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
if 'group' in data and group in data['group'] and key in data['group'][group]:
return data['group'][group][key]
return None
yaml_file = "codetryout_demo.yaml"
group_name = "red"
key_name = "key2"
value = get_value(yaml_file, group_name, key_name)
if value is not None:
print(f"The value of '{key_name}' in '{group_name}': {value}")
print(f"'{key_name}' not found in '{group_name}' or '{group_name}' not found in the YAML file.")
Example Output
The value of 'key2' in 'red': r_value2The value of 'key2' in 'red': r_value2
Python YAML – PyYAML efficiency
Reading YAML using the pyyaml library is generally considered efficient and widely used for YAML parsing in Python. However, like any library, its efficiency depends on factors such as the size of the YAML file, the complexity of the data structure, and the machine’s processing capabilities.
Here are some points to consider regarding the efficiency of pyyaml:
- Parsing Time: For small to medium-sized YAML files, the parsing time with pyyaml is typically fast and efficient. It can handle simple YAML structures quickly and accurately.
- Memory Usage: For large YAML files or complex data structures, pyyaml may consume significant memory, especially when loading the entire YAML content into a Python dictionary. If memory usage is a concern, consider using other libraries like ruamel.yaml, which offers more memory-efficient options.
- Cython Implementation: pyyaml has a Cython implementation, which provides a performance boost. This makes it faster than pure Python-based YAML parsers.
- Compatibility: pyyaml is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3, making it a popular choice for cross-version compatibility.
- Feature-Rich: pyyaml provides a wide range of features, including support for custom types, round-trip preservation of comments and styles, and various loading/dumping options.
While pyyaml is efficient for most use cases, you might explore other YAML parsers if you have specific requirements, such as improved memory efficiency or faster parsing times for exceptionally large YAML files.
Keep in mind that efficiency is relative to your specific use case. Before deciding on a YAML parser, consider your project’s needs and test performance with representative data to ensure it meets your expectations.