Here is an example of a check if a file exists on the remote server and takes action locally, inside a shell script.
if [ $(ssh codetryout [[ -f /etc/passwd ]];echo $?) -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Remote file exists"
Script explanation, line by line:
From the code snippet, the remote file-check expression is:
ssh codetryout [[ -f /etc/passwd ]]
This command will ssh to the remote host (server) “codetryout” and test if the file “/etc/passwd” exists.
Based on the expression in the block [[ ….]] the status code will be passed as a number:
echo $?
This will echo the return status of the ssh command file check, for example –
- Return 0 if it was a success – the file exists on the remote server.
- Return 1 if the test was returned false – the file does not exist.
To learn more about bash return codes (error codes) please check this page: