Creating an Ansible playbook to install Kubernetes involves several tasks, as Kubernetes is a complex system with multiple components. Below is a simplified example playbook to establish a primary Kubernetes cluster. Note that this is a basic example and might need modifications to suit your environment and needs. It assumes you’re installing a cluster with a single master node and one or more worker nodes.
Playbook template for creating a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible
Create the playbook file, for example, “kubernetes-playbook.yml“
- name: Install Kubernetes Cluster
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: Update and upgrade packages
update_cache: yes
upgrade: dist
- name: Install Docker
state: present
- name: Start and enable Docker
name: docker
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: Install kubeadm, kubelet, and kubectl
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- kubeadm
- kubelet
- kubectl
- name: Initialize Kubernetes master
command: kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
creates: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
- name: Copy kubeconfig for root user
command: "{{ item }}"
- mkdir -p /root/.kube
- cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /root/.kube/config
- name: Install Flannel network plugin
command: kubectl apply -f
creates: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-flannel.yaml
- name: Allow scheduling on the master node (not recommended for production)
command: kubectl taint nodes --all
- name: Get join command for worker nodes
command: kubeadm token create --print-join-command
register: join_command
- name: Display join command for worker nodes
var: join_command.stdout_lines
# Define your worker nodes in the inventory file
This playbook covers the basic steps to install a Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm. Please note that this is a simplified example and does not cover advanced configurations, security considerations, high availability, etc. Also, adjust the playbook to your environment, including the appropriate hosts and network configurations.
Before running this playbook, ensure you have the proper inventory file with your target hosts, and modify any configuration parameters as needed. Review the latest official documentation for Kubernetes and Ansible to ensure you follow best practices and use the most up-to-date information.
Sample inventory file
Create a file, for example, inventory.txt
master-node ansible_host=your_master_node_ip ansible_user=your_ssh_user
worker-node-1 ansible_host=your_worker_node_1_ip ansible_user=your_ssh_user
worker-node-2 ansible_host=your_worker_node_2_ip ansible_user=your_ssh_user
Ensure you’ve set up SSH key-based authentication between your Ansible control machine and the target nodes. Also, ensure you’ve set up the necessary DNS or host file entries for hostname resolution.
Running the playbook
Run the playbook using the ansible-playbook command. Replace the playbook YAML file and inventory file with the name of your playbook file and inventory file.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.txt kubernetes-playbook.yml
Enter SSH Passphrase or Password (If Required):
If you’ve set up SSH key-based authentication, you might not be prompted for a password or passphrase. However, if you’re using password-based authentication, you’ll be prompted to enter the SSH password for the target hosts.
Ansible Executes Tasks
Ansible will start executing the tasks defined in the playbook on the target hosts. It will display the progress and results of each task.
Review Playbook Output:
Review the output in the terminal to ensure that the tasks are executed successfully. If there are any errors or issues, Ansible will provide relevant information.
Playbook Completion:
Once Ansible completes the playbook execution, it will display a summary of the tasks executed and the status of each task.