101 DevOps Interview Questions

DevOps combines the words “development” and “operations.” It is a culture and a set of practices that emphasizes collaboration and communication between software development and IT operations. In the ever-evolving technology landscape, DevOps plays a vital role in enhancing software delivery’s efficiency, speed, and reliability. Whether you are an experienced DevOps professional or looking to enter this dynamic field, you need to have a comprehensive understanding of various tools, practices, and principles to succeed in a DevOps interview.

This list of 101 DevOps interview questions covers many topics, including version control, continuous integration, continuous deployment, configuration management, cloud computing, security, and more. Use this resource to assess your readiness for a DevOps interview and deepen your understanding of the essential concepts that drive collaboration and innovation in the DevOps space. Whether you are a candidate preparing for an interview or an interviewer seeking a comprehensive set of questions, this list aims to encompass the diverse facets of DevOps practices and principles. Good luck with your DevOps interview preparation!

General DevOps Knowledge:

  1. What is DevOps, and how does it differ from traditional software development and IT operations?
  2. Explain the concept of “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC).
  3. What is Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)?
  4. How does DevOps contribute to the Agile development process?
  5. What are the key principles of the DevOps culture?
  6. Explain the role of version control systems in DevOps.
  7. What is the importance of collaboration between development and operations teams in DevOps?
  8. Describe the benefits of implementing DevOps practices.

Version Control:

  1. What is Git, and how does it differ from other version control systems?
  2. Explain the difference between Git and SVN.
  3. How do you resolve merge conflicts in Git?
  4. What is a Git branching strategy, and why is it important?

Continuous Integration (CI):

  1. What is Jenkins, and how does it support CI/CD?
  2. Explain the build process in Jenkins.
  3. How do you trigger a Jenkins job on code commit?
  4. What is the purpose of a Jenkins pipeline?

Continuous Deployment (CD):

  1. What is containerization, and how does it relate to CD?
  2. Explain the concept of blue-green deployment.
  3. How do you roll back a deployment in a CD pipeline?
  4. What is Kubernetes, and how does it support container orchestration?

Configuration Management:

  1. Explain the role of configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef.
  2. How does Ansible differ from Puppet?
  3. What is the difference between push and pull configurations in Ansible?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

  1. What is Terraform, and how does it facilitate IaC?
  2. How does Terraform maintain the state of infrastructure?

Monitoring and Logging:

  1. Explain the importance of monitoring in a DevOps environment.
  2. What is the ELK stack, and how is it used for logging?

Cloud Computing:

  1. Describe the advantages of using cloud services in a DevOps environment.
  2. What is AWS, and how can it be integrated into a DevOps workflow?

Security in DevOps:

  1. How does DevSecOps enhance security in the development lifecycle?
  2. Explain the concept of “Security as Code.”

Collaboration Tools:

  1. What is the purpose of tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Mattermost in DevOps?


  1. What is Docker, and how does it facilitate containerization?
  2. Explain the difference between Docker images and containers.

Continuous Testing:

  1. What is the role of automated testing in a CI/CD pipeline?
  2. How do you ensure quality in a continuous testing environment?


  1. What is GitLab, and how does it support DevOps practices?

Agile Methodology:

  1. How does DevOps align with Agile methodologies?

DevOps Metrics and Measurement:

  1. What are key performance indicators (KPIs) in a DevOps environment?

Jenkins Pipeline:

  1. How do you define a Jenkins pipeline using a Jenkinsfile?

Deployment Strategies:

  1. Explain canary deployment and when to use it.
  2. What is the difference between rolling deployment and blue-green deployment?

Performance Monitoring:

  1. How do you monitor and optimize the performance of a production application?

Disaster Recovery:

  1. What is a disaster recovery plan, and how does it relate to DevOps?

Serverless Computing:

  1. What is serverless computing, and how does it fit into a DevOps architecture?

Jenkins Plugins:

  1. Name some essential Jenkins plugins and their purposes.

Code Quality:

  1. How do you maintain code quality in a DevOps pipeline?

Jenkins Job Configuration:

  1. Explain the purpose of Jenkins job configuration files.

Jenkins Security:

  1. How do you secure Jenkins?

Compliance in DevOps:

  1. How do you ensure compliance with regulatory standards in a DevOps environment?

Microservices Architecture:

  1. What is microservices architecture, and how does it relate to DevOps?

Container Orchestration:

  1. Compare Docker Swarm and Kubernetes for container orchestration.

Kubernetes Architecture:

  1. Explain the components of a Kubernetes cluster.

Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline:

  1. What is a multibranch pipeline in Jenkins, and how does it work?

Infrastructure Monitoring Tools:

  1. Name some popular infrastructure monitoring tools.

Jenkins Shared Libraries:

  1. What are Jenkins Shared Libraries, and how do they improve pipeline management?

Blue-Green Deployment Strategy:

  1. How does a blue-green deployment strategy work?

Jenkinsfile Syntax:

  1. Explain the syntax of a Jenkinsfile.

Jenkins Master-Slave Configuration:

  1. What is a Jenkins master-slave configuration, and when is it beneficial?

Artifact Repository:

  1. What is an artifact repository, and why is it important in DevOps?

Chaos Engineering:

  1. Explain the concept of Chaos Engineering.

Jenkins Job DSL:

  1. What is Jenkins Job DSL, and how does it simplify job creation?

Docker Compose:

  1. What is Docker Compose, and how does it simplify multi-container Docker applications?

Git Hooks:

  1. What are Git hooks, and how can they be used in a DevOps workflow?

Immutable Infrastructure:

  1. Explain the concept of immutable infrastructure.

Jenkins Environment Variables:

  1. How do you use environment variables in Jenkins pipelines?

Jenkinsfile Declarative vs. Scripted Syntax:

  1. Compare declarative and scripted syntax in Jenkinsfiles.

Infrastructure Automation Tools:

  1. Name other infrastructure automation tools besides Terraform.

GitHub Actions:

  1. What are GitHub Actions, and how do they support CI/CD?


  1. Explain the role of Nagios in infrastructure monitoring.

Jenkins Job DSL vs. Pipeline:

  1. Compare Jenkins Job DSL and Jenkins Pipeline for job configuration.

Jenkins Artifacts:

  1. What are Jenkins artifacts, and how are they used in a CI/CD pipeline?

Jenkins Global Shared Libraries:

  1. How do you configure and use global shared libraries in Jenkins?

Jenkins Pipeline Script Approval:

  1. What is Jenkins Pipeline script approval, and why is it needed?

Jenkins Matrix Builds:

  1. What are matrix builds in Jenkins, and how do they work?

Jenkins and Docker Integration:

  1. How can Jenkins be integrated with Docker for CI/CD?


  1. What is GitOps, and how does it streamline infrastructure management?

Jenkins Declarative Pipeline:

  1. Explain the structure and components of a Jenkins Declarative Pipeline.

Automated Rollback Strategies:

  1. Discuss automated rollback strategies in a CD pipeline.

Jenkins Workspace:

  1. What is the purpose of the Jenkins workspace in a CI/CD pipeline?


  1. What is Prometheus, and how does it contribute to monitoring in a DevOps environment?


  1. Explain the role of Logstash in the ELK stack.

Jenkins Blue Ocean:

  1. What is Jenkins Blue Ocean, and how does it enhance the Jenkins user interface?

Automated Testing Frameworks:

  1. Name some popular automated testing frameworks.

Infrastructure Provisioning:

  1. How do you provision infrastructure dynamically in a DevOps workflow?


  1. What is SonarQube, and how does it support code quality analysis?

Jenkins Node:

  1. Explain the concept of a Jenkins node in a distributed Jenkins architecture.

Jenkins Slave:

  1. What is a Jenkins slave, and how does it contribute to parallel builds?

Jenkins Scripted Pipeline:

  1. How do you write a scripted pipeline in Jenkins?


  1. What is Artifactory, and how does it function as an artifact repository?

Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC):

  1. What is Jenkins Configuration as Code, and how does it simplify Jenkins setup?

Jenkins GitHub Integration:

  1. How can Jenkins be integrated with GitHub for source code management?

Jenkins Environment Variable Substitution:

  1. Explain how environment variables are substituted in Jenkins pipelines.


  1. What is Grafana, and how does it complement Prometheus for monitoring?

Jenkins Job Build Triggering:

  1. How do you trigger a Jenkins job based on changes in a specific branch?

Jenkins Job Parameterization:

  1. What is parameterization in Jenkins jobs, and how is it useful?

Jenkins Groovy DSL:

  1. How is Groovy used in Jenkins DSL for job configuration?

Jenkins Global Tool Configuration:

  1. What is Jenkins Global Tool Configuration, and how is it configured?

Jenkins Approval Process:

  1. How can you implement an approval process in a Jenkins pipeline?

Jenkins Shared Workspace:

  1. What is a shared workspace in Jenkins, and when is it useful?

Jenkins Job Parallel Execution:

  1. How do you achieve parallel execution of tasks in a Jenkins pipeline?

While preparing for DevOps interviews, it’s crucial to have practical experience with the mentioned tools and technologies. Being able to discuss real-world scenarios and problem-solving approaches will strengthen your candidacy. Good luck!